I have been invited to do my first blog tour ever by Jane Bled. I am super excited to join in but before I do, I wanted to tell you all about her. She's a fantastic M/M writer!  If you want to check out her Seven Lovely Things just click >> here <<

Currently, her book POISON is FREE on Smashwords! I highly recommend getting a copy! POISON II: SPRING is available for preview & purchase on Amazon Kindle. If you pick up a copy of either, be kind and leave a review! 

Jane Bled Social Connect! 

Amazon -
Facebook - http://www.facebook,com/janebled 


1. One of my best friends is someone I have never met in person.
      Sounds crazy, right?  It's completely true. Almost . . . three years ago, might be four now, we met on Wattpad. It started out with normal stuff. Trading jokes and complaining about how much being an author sucked! Now all these years later we still do those things only we also happened to co-write a few dozen books together, have regular phone calls and general bullshit our way through this whole 'writer' phase. One day we'll grow up and be doctors or something impressive. Yeah fucking right! 

2. I got married when I was sixteen!
       I can hear your sharp intake of breath! Bet could even pin down a few thoughts if you cared to have any judgmental ones. I know it's a huge step for a sixteen year old! Guess I was just ready considering we've been married six years now and together for eight! That's a lot longer than some 'grown ups' who do crazy stuff like get married to the person they love. I do love my husband, usually after I decide not to smoother him with the pillow. 

3. Autumn Breeze isn't a pin name.
      My mother had a sick since of humor when she named me Autumn Breeze Cook upon my birth in 1991. She gives two reasons for naming me as such. 1. She heard someone else name their kid Autumn Breeze and liked it. (Thanks for all the creativity mom.) 2. I was born in the prettiest Autumn she has ever saw. I'm an October baby.  In the end, I really like my mom. And I'm thankful she didn't name me something weird like Yanice Montana; my brother's name, btw . . .

4. I detest peanut butter! 
      It is the worst food ever invented. The taste can make me vomit! I am not kidding. I will lose whatever is in my stomach at a single lick. The smell has been known to make me gag. When my husband eats anything with peanut butter in it, I will stay far far away. I've been known to just leave the room. My son finds it hilarious. He hates peanut butter from the jar through. Show it to him and he's going to give you his 'you done lost your damn mind' face. 

5. Loving Anna is the most read W/W book on wattpad.
     That fact is still crazy to me. If there is a more read lesbian book, I have not found it yet. I have searched like crazy! Once upon a time, one story had beat me out. Loving Anna came back stronger than ever after about a month though! The fact Loving Anna does so well is definitely a source of pride for me. It's the first lesbian book I ever wrote! (Now available for purchase on amazon, btw . . .)

6. I have an ungodly addiction to soup.
      You read that right. Soup. I can't help myself. Nearly any kind of soup you give me, I will love. Even when it has things in it that I naturally hate, english peas for example, I will still eat it. I could name a dozen soups off the top of my head. Well, some of them are chowders. Most of the soups I have a thing for come from the 'Campbell's Chunky' collection. I have a soup right now. It's called Spicy Chicken Quesadilla. It has to cool before I devour it as Moloch would freshly born children. 

7. I used to get my husband and his twin brother mixed up.
      Not lying, funny story actually. It goes like this. My husband used to be in the army. So was his twin brother. They were in same unit, same MOS, same rank! In uniform, they could be the same person. When my husband and I first got married, I wasn't entirely used to seeing him in his (ACU) Army Combat Uniform.
      Once, while staying with his mother for the weekend, him and his brother come into the house. I rise from the sofa excited to see my husband since he'd been gone most of the day. Bouncing towards him, I extend my arms for a hug. Pause. . . "You [Brandon] are not my husband." 
     It could have been my husband because they looked exactly the same from a distance. Up close like that, no, he was not my husband. Brandon doesn't have the scar Zachary has on his forehead from a childhood accident. Brandon's shoulders aren't as wide. He's not as tall. His face wasn't excited at the prospect of a hug. Definitely not my husband. 
    This happened . . . well, for years. Even when we had been together for long enough for my to know better, it still happened. Finally, I came to realize, Zach always let his brother come in the house first. I secretly believe they plotted and conspired to see if I'd ever end up hugging Brandon. I never did. Last second it was always a shock but obvious, the brother I was about to lay a kiss on was not my twin. 


So! There are my Seven Lovely Things! I am supposed to tag 3-5 authors. I only know two who would actually join in with me. I am way to shy to ask anyone I don't know so, my two picks are.

BETH HALE  You can read her Seven Lovely Things blog post >> here <<

A. MUSE You can read his Seven Lovely Things blog post >> here <<


Friendly reminder to pick up your FREE copy of Poison! 

Also check out Beth Hale's book Trusting Jack! 

Hope you enjoyed Seven Lovely Things about me! 

Thanks for reading. 
- Autumn 

Autumn Breeze

❝ Autumn Breeze is a bestselling LGBT+ author and current Radish Content Provider. She is also the winner of a 2015 Watty Award, a former Wattpad Star, with more than 70K followers on her combined Wattpad accounts @Autumn_Breeze and @HonestDying. She was featured in Cosmo in 2017 “My Lessons with the Sexy Dance Instructor," and she worked as a Freelance Writer for 20th Century Fox on, “A Cure for Wellness: Seeking A Cure.” ❞

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