I am constantly blown away by how well LOVING ANNA is doing since being released on October 31, 2014. (November 1, 2014 depending where you shop.) 

Since day one, it has been on the best seller list. It started at a very modest #95. I was beyond excited. Than it kept climbing the list. Each new number is just . . . I have no words. Right now, my highest for the Best Seller list is #9. It's amazing. A part of me wants to be #1 but I know if I never go beyond #9 I am content. 

In truth, I wasn't sure LOVING ANNA would sell at all. When I decided to publish, I was plagued with so many doubts. I still have them. What if I stop selling and never sell anything again? What if I get so many bad reviews no one touches my work with a ten foot pole? What if when I published another book it does bad? What if . . . What if . . .

There are a million and one worries. For now, I am going to shut my brain down and bask in the glow of being a best selling author. Bad or good, whatever the future may hold, Loving Anna did well and is still doing well. I am proud of that. 

Autumn Breeze

❝ Autumn Breeze is a bestselling LGBT+ author and current Radish Content Provider. She is also the winner of a 2015 Watty Award, a former Wattpad Star, with more than 70K followers on her combined Wattpad accounts @Autumn_Breeze and @HonestDying. She was featured in Cosmo in 2017 “My Lessons with the Sexy Dance Instructor," and she worked as a Freelance Writer for 20th Century Fox on, “A Cure for Wellness: Seeking A Cure.” ❞

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